Dette er et yrkesfagprosjekt i samarbeid med Ungarn, Portugal, Spania, Hellas og Italia. Første utveksling ble gjennomført i Ungarn i 2019, andre i Spania i oktober 2021 og tredje i Portugal i mars 2022. Fjerde og siste utveksling arrangeres av og på Greåker videregående skole i mai 2022.
Vi samarbeider og deler erfaringer fra de spesialiteter hvert land/skole har innen ny teknologi, med spesiell fokus på pedagogisk teknologi. Prosjektet gir oss mange nye verktøy samt potensielle samarbeidspartnere på tvers av våre andre prosjekter.
Besøk hjemmesiden til The Future of the Jobs vs. the Jobs of the Future for mer informasjon.
Project title: ’The Future of the Jobs vs the Jobs of the Future’
Project number: 2019-1-HU01-KA202_06896
- Nyíregyházi Szakképzési Centrum (Hungary)
- IES F. Ribalta (Spain)
- I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino (Italy)
- FORAVE - Associação para a Educação Profissional do Vale do Ave (Portugal)
- Greåker videregående skole (Norway)
- Second Vocational High School of Chania (Greece)
Schools taking part in the project have to cope with the same problems, a challenging economic situation. In vocational training, some students are under motivated, they drop out school too early, and they do not have any plans for the future. In our changing world, the labour market requires more-educated workers with up-to-date knowledge. New professions are required in many fields of economy, and schools have to follow the new trends to follow the requirements and needs of companies, or employers. Most organisations are facing the same challenge of demand for high-level qualifications in EU, so we try to renew the vocational education according to the needs of the domestic and international job market. This should answer the demand of high-qualified teachers and professionals at schools and other institutions to provide enough well qualified workers.
The main aim of vocational education is to prepare students for the future, as we want to give them such education and professional knowledge that will help them to be successful both in the national and international labour market.
At the end of the project, we will compile a book with good practices which will be published in paper form and online both in English and in the mother language of the participant countries. The content of this publication will be the good practices and methods collected during the project implementation including the following topics:
- Marker Pedagogy - Hungary
- Experience -based learning - Spain
- Experience in apprenticeship and entrepreneurship - Greece
- Digital skills and soft skills - Norway
- Development of projects with companies and higher education institutions - Portugal
- Improving language skills in an international work environment – Italy